Tag: blog

  • 5 Ways to Survive The Holidays!

      “Christmas is not a date … it’s a state of mind.”  – Mary Ellen Chase   OMG … it’s the almost Christmas!!!!!   Every year I am shocked how fast each holiday season just seems to pop up outta no where.   I mean, there I am all warm and cozy rocking out my…

  • Are You A Time Waster?

      “The trouble is … you think you have time.” – Budda   So I spend a lot of time in airports.     And just this week I was sitting at my gate finishing a book.   I looked around and it seemed like I was surrounded by drones.   No one was talking.…

  • 4 Ways To Be More Relatable!

      “Imperfections are real. And people respond to real.” – Jason Fried, Author of ReWork   The world is full of peeps who wear the uniform, walk the walk, talk the talk and try to be perfect.   In truth, they just come off as stiff and boring.   No one relates to people like…