Tag: blog

  • 5 Benefits of Collaboration!

      “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro   The other day I was sitting in a meeting with two people who could not be any more different than me.   Different leadership styles. Different personalities.  Different likes, hobbies, interests.   You name it … we were different.  …

  • 6 Ways To Screw Up Your Image!

      “It takes 20 years to build a reputation … and 5 minutes to destroy it.” – Warren Buffet   I was in a meeting last week when all of the sudden the person 2 seats down from me starting playing Candy Crush on her iPad.   Whaaaaaa?   Right there in front of everyone.…

  • The Secret To Setting Goals!

      “We are what we repeatedly do, so EXCELLENCE therefore is not an act, it’s a HABIT.” – Aristotle   So I’ve got to tell you about this new thing I’ve been doing.   At the start of each work week … I flip to a new, crispy, fresh page of notebook paper and I…