Tag: blog
4 Reasons Why You Need to Learn to Take a Compliment!
“Who am I to be brilliant, goeorgous, talented and fabulous? Actually … who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson Attention Ladies … does this look familiar?? (psssst … a little raunchy with some adult language … hide the kids!) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzlvDV3mpZw&feature=share&list=FLsVJZ061ah7OEoIpzNcJGOQ[/youtube] Why do we do this??? Why do we…
7 Reasons Why You Need To Shut The Hell Up!
“There is real comfort in being quiet.” – Justina Chen I lost my voice over the weekend. It wasn’t a long dramatic laryngitis situation or anything. I got a bug and it took my voice with it for a little over 36 hours. I’ve never lost my voice before. And…
6 Awesome Benefits Of Saying YES!
“Just say yes and figure it out afterwards.” – Tina Fey In Improv comedy we are taught to always agree with whoever starts the scene. We are trained to say YES to whatever was said … then add something on with … AND. For example: YES … AND or “good improv”…