Tag: blog

  • 6 positive responses to negative feedback!

    “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”  ― Aristotle Negative feedback is never the issue.  You are. How you respond to criticism, cynicism and just straight up “hating” … tells people who you are. As someone who speaks professionally … it’s critical I get used to controlling my responses to critics, cynics and haters.…

  • Who else wants to make 2014 your BEST YEAR YET?!

      “If it’s not a HELL YES … then it’s a HELL NO!” – Marie Forleo   Do you know what today is?   It’s our 1 year BLOGAVERSARY!!!!   It was one year ago this week that I decided to say HELL YES to starting this blog and have been saying HELL YES for…

  • How to make resolutions that actually stick!

    “You are not actually chasing the goal. You’re chasing the feeling that you hope attaining the goal will give you.” – Danielle LaPorte   Who do you want to BE in 2014?  How do you want to FEEL?   Each year we set out to make “goals” for the New Year.   And each year…