Tag: blog
Do you recognize the 4 signs of insecurity?
“Vulnerablity is our most accurate measurement of courage.” – Dr. Brene Brown To live your truth you have to be courageous. Every day. And that means that some days it could get uncomfortable. Some days it will be hard. Some days it will be scary. And when it gets hard, scary and uncomfortable. This…
5 reasons I don’t care what you think
“If you live caring what other people think … the world will never see your gifts!” – Brene Brown I am currently beyond inspired (and a little obsessed) by the work of Brene Brown. If you haven’t read her book, Daring Greatly, get it! If you haven’t watched her ground breaking TED Talk that has…
4 ways to NOT be like everyone else and work YOUR assets off!
“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again … and bring their friends.” Walt Disney I was at a baseball game over the summer with friends. In the middle of the game a beer vendor approached our area ready to offer up his cold brews to all of…