Tag: blog
7 Reasons to let go of your past, so you can DOMINATE your future!
“The only way to get what you really want … is to let go of what you don’t” – Iyanla Vanzant So the other day I went out for a run. I was cruising along at a good pace and about 3 minutes in to my run I passed a woman on a walk. …
Want to do EPIC shit? Start making some mistakes.
“The hardest thing to learn is not how to juggle … but how to let the balls drop.” – Anthony Frost, Improvisation in Drama Mistakes are our peeps, our home boys, our friends, our partners in crime. They are absolutely 100% necessary. One the coolest things I’ve found about blogging is this…
Want to grow your business and stand out … maybe you need to start with WHY?!
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.” – Simon Sinek Another book that changed my life is a book called “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. I actually first heard about Simon when he gave the opening keynote speech at a conference I was attending for MPI. …