Tag: blog

  • Please Take My 2017 Reader Survey!

    Help me help YOU! In order for me to keep creating bad ass content that helps you dominate at work and life … it’s important I hear from you. I want to ensure my platform does the best possible job of helping you address your needs and interests! And this means I need to know more…

  • My Top 10 Travel Essentials

      The work I do requires me to travel for a living.  Therefore, I spend a lot of time in hotels, ubers, planes, taxis, airports, shuttles, trains, and highway rest stops. Being a road warrior is not for the faint of heart and definitely not as glamorous as it seems. There are delays, and cancellations,…

  • Do You Make This Mistake With Fear?

      Let’s first be clear. You will never get rid of your fear. Fear is a necessary part of life. Here’s why: A.  First, it keeps you safe … from walking out into traffic, from getting eaten by coyotes, from eating poisonous food … this list could go on and on.  Plus, think of the…