Tag: featured

  • 5 Lies About The Word Hustle

      The word Hustle can be traced back to 1680 from the Dutch word ‘Husseln’, meaning ‘to shake, to toss’. The word can then be pursued backwards into German dialects; all of which translate to phrases signifying a shaking movement.* It makes sense.  You hustle to shake up your circumstances, toss your environment around in order…

  • Do You Make This Mistake With Fear?

      Let’s first be clear. You will never get rid of your fear. Fear is a necessary part of life. Here’s why: A.  First, it keeps you safe … from walking out into traffic, from getting eaten by coyotes, from eating poisonous food … this list could go on and on.  Plus, think of the…

  • 5 Ways To Feel Less Irritable

    Let’s face it … life is tough. We can feel pulled in a million directions and sometimes it feels like no matter how much you give, and sacrifice, and diet, and plan, and prepare … life throws you curve balls and you end up feeling stuck, back to square one, and depleted. In addition, it’s easy…