The #1 Thing You Can Do Right Now To Be Less Afraid


It’s so easy to obsess over all the things that could go wrong when you venture outside your comfort zone. 

  • What if they hate me?
  • What if I fail?
  • What if I bomb?
  • What if I hurt myself?
  • What if I get sick?
  • What if I embarrass myself?
  • What if I get stuck?
  • What if get sued?
  • What if I run out of money?
  • What if I can’t do it?

You can “what if” yourself to the brink of madness.

Constantly worrying about stuff that will likely never happen. 

Agonizing over things that are only monsters in your head.

“We suffer more in imagination than we do in reality.” – Seneca

So, then … how do you get out of your head?

How do you find the courage to take the risks you must take if you want to grow?

How do you get out of your comfort zone and right into the good stuff?

The secret weapon:  Start focusing on what could go right!!!

Once I made this shift personally and professionally, it started to remove the power fear had over me in my life and in my business.

For example, … writing a book is a big dream of mine … yet it’s also so outside my comfort zone.   I’m constantly playing the same soundtrack over and over and over again …

  • Who am I to write a book?
  • How do I start?
  • Who will publish me?
  • I’m not a writer?
  • What if I get sued?
  • Can I afford it?
  • Do I have enough to say?
  • I wasn’t a good student, so how could I ever write a book?
  • Will people buy it?
  • Will people read it?

And on and on and on and on it goes.

Then … one day I had enough … I knew this was all fear keeping me from my hustle, my dreams, my goals.

The first thing I did was take some action … and starting is a magical thing because fear hates when you take action.

Fear does not want you to be amazing and successful and happy and healthy and joyful.

Fear wants you stuck, safe and just the same.

So, action came first … I started writing, outlining, talking to other authors, finding a publisher, researching, etc.

Then, I shifted my inner dialogue and starting obsessing over what could go right, instead of obsessing over what could go wrong.  The second I did this, the game was forever changed!!!

I started to play a new soundtrack that was WAY more fun and inspiring …

  • I could write a best seller
  • I could earn more money
  • I could get famous
  • I could be on TV
  • I could do Super Soul Sunday with Oprah
  • I could meet my hero’s
  • I could be interviewed by Marie Forleo
  • I could get published in big magazines

And on and on and on I could go.

The key is to give yourself the freedom to dream big, think big and not hold yourself back.

Even if it sounds crazy or feels too big … good … follow that!  Keep writing … keep dreaming … keep focusing on what could go right.

Once you’ve got a list … hang that puppy where you can see it every day so you can stay focused when you feel fear starting to creep back in.

So, are you struggling with a decision right now?  Are you putting something off because you are afraid?

Maybe instead of worrying so much about what could go wrong … you start focusing on what could go right!

Made with Love.