the truth about book publishing with rea Frey episode 122

The Truth About Book Publishing with Rea Frey

Do you want to know the truth about book publishing?  If you’ve ever wanted to publish a book, whether fiction or non, this episode is for you! Today on the show, Judi is joined by author Rea Frey, author of four novels and four non-fiction books. As the founder and CEO of Writeway, a company committed to helping writers get their books out into the world, and Rea has both the professional and personal experience in the vast world of book publishing. She and Judi dive into what it means to self-publish and how to know if that path or the traditional one is for you! Plus, hear why she’s considered a “book doula”, get some tips and tricks on creating the perfect writing space for you, and even hear some behind the scenes stories of how Judi first embarked on the journey of publishing Fear Is My Homeboy! 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Rea’s story defying the 9 to 5 standard and making a career out of writing
  • Why curating a sacred space for writing is a vital tool for success
  • The grounding effect of having a morning routine
  • How to navigate the confusing world of publishing
  • The pros and cons of self-publishing vs. traditional
  • Tips and practical advice for those wanting to write professionally 

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions