Are You A Time Waster?

“The trouble is … you think you have time.” – Budda
So I spend a lot of time in airports.  
And just this week I was sitting at my gate finishing a book.
I looked around and it seemed like I was surrounded by drones.
No one was talking.  Heads  were buried in phones. There was lots of solitaire, Facebooking, Tweeting, gossip mags, sleeping and trash TV.
Now I know we all need our downtime.  
I get that sometimes you just need to check out.
And yes, I’m being a little judgemental here … but it got me thinking:
What separates the good from the great?  
What separates the people who live their dreams from those who constantly chase them? 
We have 24 hours in one day.
And how you spend each one WILL set the course for your future!
Because at the end of the day … it’s really all about choices.  
How you choose to spend each hour will determine your destiny.  
The question is … what will you choose?
Here 5 things you can start doing now to help make each hour count:
So now, I’d love to hear from you.
What do you do to make sure your not wasting any precious time?  
Make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!
 Also, I’d love to work with you … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov Framework.   
So check out my speaking page right here on my website to read customer testimonials and find out sessions I’m currently running.   
 AND if you dig this video, make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter (BELOW THIS POST) as well so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox. 
As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video. 
You rock my world! 
X’s and O’s,


2 responses to “Are You A Time Waster?”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Love your awesome management program. My big trick is keeping a notepad with me at all times so when an idea pops into my head i just jot it down into the pad (HINT: Notepad is right on my iphone–so I don’t need to even carry anything extra around with me). Writing stuff down allows me to keep focused on what I am presently doing and not get sidetracked with every new idea I have AND it helps me not forget anything. Great post Judi! You rock girl!

    1. Good one Doug! I love my iphone note pad, but I’m also old school and keep a lil’ notebook with me and bring it everywhere for the same purpose. Ideas are always flying around and I don’t want to miss a thing. Thanks for the comment and for reading!

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