5 Reasons You Underperform and Have No Time!

“Smart people underperform because they fail to prioritize.” – Dr. Hallowell
This week I found Dr. Ned Hallowell and his work.   And I’m supes excited about it.
Here’s why …
Marie Forleo, one of my favorite people and business mentors EVAH, interviewed Dr. Hallowell on her weekly show Marie TV.  Who is Dr. Hallowell?  Here’s just a few highlights on his pretty amaze-fest resume …
  • NY Times Best Selling Author (he’s written 19 books … holy sweet baby Jesus!)
  • Psychologist
  • Harvard Grad
  • Professional Speaker
  • Leading Authority on Adult ADHD
  • Oh and he’s been on Oprah (Isn’t that like the “this guys a big deal” golden stamp of awesomeness?!)
Sometimes I swear, it’s like Marie Forleo is in my brain, dishing out awesome information at the perfect time.   And her interview with Dr. Hallowell is no exception …
Have you ever felt like your brain is broken?
Do you ever feel there is not enough “time” to get things done?
Have you had so many ideas swirling around in your head at once that you can’t focus?
Do you have a hard time channeling your energy and ambition in a way that’s productive?
If you said yes to ANY of these … you are gonna love this post and Dr. Hallowell’s work.
So let’s dig in …
Here are Dr. Hallowell’s 5 Strategies to help you take control of your time, energy and attention:
  1. Set Clear and Precise Goals –  The great thing about modern time is you can do SO much … HOWEVER …The problem with modern time is you can do so much.  So you HAVE to focus and be INTENTIONAL if you want to get anything done.  Bottom line.  Dr. Hallowell recommends setting 3 goals at a time.  Rocking those.  Then moving on.
  2. Avoid Screen Sucking – Did you know that in every hour you have … you spend an average of 20 minutes dealing with unplanned interruptions?! What a freaking waste!  Yes, email is a part of our lives … we have to use it BUT it’s critical we manage IT so IT doesn’t manage us.  My advice:  Set strict times to be on email.  Turn off your “new email alerts”.  Use time managment tools like, Hoot Suite or Buffer, to manage your social media activity.  Don’t waste away on Social Media, set specific times to go online … I always say … it can kill you to “Keep Up with the Kardashians.”  Choose wisely.
  3. Change your Default Response from Yes, to “Let Me Get Back To You” – Being available and open to new things is a great asset in the brand of who you are  … but if you are not careful … it can quickly become your greatest liability.   Be cautious of what you take on.  Take time to think about it.  And guess what, it’s ok to say no.
  4. Never Worry Alone – You must make sure you have a network of people you can count on. Things are going to come up in life and in business that will cause you stress and make you feel out of control.  When this happens Dr. Halloweel recommends 3 steps:  1) Connect with someone about it.  2)  Get the facts.   3) Make a Plan.
  5. Cultivate Lillie’s and get rid of Leeches –  Lillie’s are people or projects that may take a lot of time, energy or concern … but they are WORTH IT!    Leeches are people or projects that don’t pay back off the time put in and they are NOT worth it!   You have to get rid of the leeches in your life to make room for the Lillie’s.   Caution:  Too many lillie’s can also be a bad thing.  So always be trimming and cultivating your garden of lillie’s … making room for what’s most important in your life right now.
If you want more and to watch Marie Forleo’s interview with Dr. Hallowell, check it here:
In the meantime, I want to hear from you, how do you stay focused in this “Crazy Busy” world we live in?
HOLLA BACK!  I’d love to hear from you in the comments below …
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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2 responses to “5 Reasons You Underperform and Have No Time!”

  1. Tina Reedy Avatar
    Tina Reedy

    Thank you so much for sharing Judi!! I watched the full interview as well and see the same qualities that Marie has in you; sharing ideas that others are fumbling with in an organized manner.

    To help me stay focused at work, I have a To-Do List that I prioritize and note what I think I should accomplish that day and the rest flows to the next day or is a bonus when I get it checked off early. I also make phone calls or send emails to others that I need to assign tasks to or to get answers from first thing in the morning before I begin my day; this way, we are both working on that goal at the same time from different angels.


    1. Hey Tina! So glad you watched and I TOTALLY take the Marie comparison as a HUGE compliment … she is such a role model for me … so thank you!

      And yes … focus … so important … and so easy to lose track of! For me it’s my Sunday night weekly planning. I plan it all (understanding sometimes I have to be nimble) so that I stay on track and don’t miss a beat … honoring my work, my health and my mind. Keeps me balanced … and happy!

      Thanks for reading and love the comment!

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