Transform How You Manage Your Time with Tina Wells

Transform How You Manage Your Time with Tina Wells

Transform How You Manage Your Time with Tina Wells is the topic of today’s episode. We’ve all got passion, and we’ve all got dreams, but so many of us are lacking the inspiration and discipline it takes to bring our vision to life. In today’s episode, Judi hosts business strategist, entrepreneur, advisor, and one of Fast Company’s top 100 creatives in business, Tina Wells. As her credentials suggest, Tina’s someone who gets shit done and creates space for play along the way. Listen up because Tina shares all her best tips and tricks to help you breathe life into your graveyard of dreams and start meeting your goals today.

Today on Yes, And:

  • How Tina became an entrepreneur at age 16
  • Making preparation a prerequisite to improvisation
  • Creating your “personal board of directors.”
  • Recreation: the best stress releasor 
  • Tina’s two principles of instant elevation
  • The P’s of marketing
  • Transform How You Manage Your Time

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

Top Quotes: 

“For me, inspiration is talking to other people who have done what I’m trying to do, have them validate it, and then get their input to take my idea to the next level.” – Tina Wells

“We have built a society around begging people to mentor and not really thinking about the benefit of being a ‘frentor.’ I think peer learning is so important.”  – Tina Wells

“I wish I would have written down more of my process as I was building my keynote process. How was I evolving? Was I appreciating the come up as much as I should have been.” – Judi Holler

“If you can land your product, place, promotion, and price, you will always be a good marketer. The toolkit will change and evolve over time, but if you know the answers to those four pillars, you are well on your way.” – Tina Wells

 “Whenever anyone says to me, ‘My customer is everyone,’ I tell them they cannot afford to talk to everyone. When you think you’re talking to everyone, you’re not drilling down to the discipline that is marketing.” – Tina Wells


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