Want Job Security? You Better Start Doing This …

“Girl … you better work!”  RuPaul
There is nothing wrong with a little self-promotion.
It’s your job to “toot your own” horn from time to time when it comes to a job well done.
Because guess what, half the time no one will even notice all the awesome things you are doing if you don’t say “Hey, look at me!”
I know it feels wierd.  
And in your head right now you are thinking … “Oh God, I don’t want to brag” … or “Self-Promotion is for people with a big EGO” … or “I don’t want to annoy people” … or “I don’t want to draw attention to myself” ….
Stop the Press!
Self promotion is a HUGE part of growing your personal brand, standing out, and building a platform that is recognized. 
And it can and WILL set you apart from the competition!
In most work environments, it’s up to YOU to toot your own horn.
And it’s especially important when you’ve done something awesome that is totally praise-worthy.
Most bosses won’t even notice all the awesome things you are doing.  
So if they haven’t said anything to you about the awesome things you have done … you better assume they don’t know.
Which means it’s time to take action and toot that horn.
Life and the workplace is SUPER competitive and if you leave your hard work unmentioned you can easlily get passed over.
You will just blend in … how boring is that?
Tooting your horn is about standing out and NOT fitting in.
It’s about making the competition irrelevant b/c your brand, your platform, and our awesomeness is unmatched.
It’s about showing your leadership that YOU are an asset and that you have something different.  Something no one else has.
It’s about job security!
Self- promotion has been a huge part of my success in life.  And knowing how and when to do it is just as important.
Here are my tips to self-promote like a Boss and get noticed:
  1. Do Awesome Stuff – It all starts here … you can’t toot your own horn if your not out there making things happen.  So find ways every day to be awesome, do awesome, and surround yourself with awesome people.  Opportunities to stand out will start pop up like dasies!
  2. Share Information – This is a great way to stand out and look like a rock star!  Read industry books, blogs, trade pubs, etc.  And if you read something that resonates and is something your team could benefit from … share it with your leadership!  It instantly makes shows you care, that you stay current, and that you are a leader.
  3. Volunteer / Lead – I cannot express enough how important this is.  For me … taking on a leadership role within MPI has been the #1 way I’ve grown my brand, my business, my network, and my leadership skills to what it is today.  And through my leadership in MPI I have won over a dozen awards, sat on 2 boards, been elected President, and have even been featured in our National Magazine.
  4. Take Risks – you have to get out there and try on new things. This is how doors will open and opportunites will become visible.  Get out of your comfort zone and get UNCOMFY.
  5. Meet Peeps – People control resources, opportuniteis and information. People. Not the iCloud, LinkedIn, the Internet.  Good old fashioned people. So get out there and meet them!  People will open doors for you and could even toot your own horn FOR you!
  6. Be Selective – The most importnat part of all the stuff you are doing, is to share it!  But be selective so that when you do share something it’s got a little WOW factor. There is a big difference between a bragger with a big ego and someone who is professionally tooting thier own horn to inspire others.
How do you self-promote to stand out from the crowd?
Know someone who could benefit from this blog post … pass it on using the social share links below!
I’d love to work with you!  Click here to contact me.
HOLLA! Back,


2 responses to “Want Job Security? You Better Start Doing This …”

  1. Char Yaemniyom Shada Avatar
    Char Yaemniyom Shada

    Another great blog, Judi. Love this completely – unfortunately, I struggle with it terribly. I was raised to never ever brag about myself or share that kind of good information with anyone because it was considered showing off and inappropriate. As I entered into my professional career, I learned that sharing your successes was important to help yourself continue to grow and to hopefully inspire others. I still struggle with sharing successes every single day. Thank you for writing this blog – it hits really close to home and is a nice reminder for me to share!

    1. Thanks for reading and for the comment Char! You should totally toot your horn, b/c you are TOOT WORTHY!!! LOL. Plus, it inspires others and can maybe motivate someone to do something great. When I think of it that way it’s a no brainer!

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