Want More Time? 15 Truths On Productivity!

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
I am a total book worm.  
I literally devour books on business, branding, leadership, productivity, marketing, entrepenurship, speaking, and anything else that will feed my brain.
I read to become an expert in my field.  To work my brain muscle. To have good dinner conversations.  To research.
But mostly I read for you.  To be able to provide good content that will help you live a better life.
I’m constatntly searching for books that I know will inspire you because they have inspired me. 
And when I learn something good … or when I’m totally moved … I take good notes and immediately want to share it all with you.
This is a book I’ve been dying to tell you about and it’s quickly become one of my FAVES!
Now, some of the stuff in the book is a little intense and not my jam. 
And then here is stuff in the book that BLOWS MY MIND!!!
Just by simply reading this book my productivity has skyrocketed and I’m getting more done than I have in the last 5 years!
This book is REAL.
This book is JUICY.
This book is a WAKE UP CALL.
I highly recommend you go buy this book and highlight the hell out of it.
In the meantime … 
Here are my favorite golden nugget’s o’ wisdom from the book.
  1. Less is not laziness. Focus on being productive rather than “busy”.
  2. “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.
  3. Retirement is Worst-Case-Scenario Insurance.  The “New Rich” aim to distribute “mini-retirements” throughout life instead of hoarding recovery and enjoyment for the end of life.
  4. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
  5. To really enjoy life you don’t need fancy nonsense, you just need to control your time and to realize that most things are not as serious as you make them to be.
  6. The fishing is best where the fewest go.
  7. WHAT you do is infinitely more important than HOW you do it.
  8. Being selective – doing less – is the path of the productive.  Focus on the important few and ignore the rest.
  9. Never arrive in your office without a clear set of priorites for the day.
  10. Maintain a low information diet.
  11. Check email only twice daily to stay focused.  You can easily get sucked into other peoples agendas.  Control your time.
  12. If you think everyone is your customer, then no one is your customer.
  13. It doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it. What matters is how many people do.
  14. Your never as bad as they say you are … but you’re never as good as they say you are either. Be humble.
  15. Let the small bad things happen and MAKE the big good things happen.
What’s your favorite nugget o’ Wisdom from the list above?
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