3 Reasons Why You Need To Embrace Your Inner Weirdness!

“It’s weird not to be weird.” – John Lennon
One of the things I learned early on in my Improv training is the idea that “all of the things that make you weird are GIFTS in the Improv theatre.”
I thought this concept was incredible.
I was so inspired by the idea of using all the things that make me “weird” to create art on stage … it was beyond exciting to me.   And even more exciting was the idea of being surrounded by lots of other people and all the things that make them weird.
We played with the weird. We embraced the weird.  We were never afraid or ashamed of the weird.  And actually in Improv, the weirder you were the more awesome you were.
So I started thinking about this concept in life.
I have always been drawn to people, place and things that are just a little weird.  I love the authenticity and bravery of someone who isn’t afraid to be who they are.  Weirdness and all.
I mean look at Austin, TX.  Their slogan is “Keep Austin Weird.
I love this … and guess what … I love Austin.
And Seth Godin, one of my FAVORITE authors EVER, has a whole book on this concept.  It’s called, “We are all Weird.” Check it!
However, I often find that people hide their weird, are embarrassed of their weird, play down their weird and often apologize for it.
I’m here to say … YOU BETTA STOP THAT RIGH NOW!    Be YOU.  Weird and all.  It’s what makes you authentic, confident and brave.
Here are some ways to embrace your inner weirdness:
  1. Take it as a compliment –  I think that normal sucks.  I’d much rather be weird, because normal people don’t live exceptional lives;  Normal people are not the ones living up to their potential and making an impact.  They are too busy trying not to be weird, too busy being afraid to stand out, to truly make a difference in the world.
  2. Remember that normal is boring –  Yes, I think normal sucks.  It’s boring.   But more than anything, it terrifies me. Normal these days in the United States looks a lot like this:  Dreading getting out of bed in the AM, eating crappy food, going to a soul crushing job, spending every night in front of the TV, being overweight and having thousands of dollars in credit card debt just so you can keep up with the Jonses.  I do everything I can every day to NOT BE NORMAL.
  3. Gratitude – be grateful you have at the courage to be yourself, weird and all.  You are likely living your best life.  Your most authentic life and because of that you will help others do the same. You are so weirdly awesome … congrats for owning it!
I leave you with a quote from of of the weirdest cats I know … Dr. Seuss
“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with the and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”
Go forth and fall in love with your weirdness.
Be well. Be Inspired!
Follow the conversation on Twitter @judiholler or on my Facebook page by clicking here.  


12 responses to “3 Reasons Why You Need To Embrace Your Inner Weirdness!”

  1. Scott Avatar

    Awesomely weird Ms. Holler!

    1. I love being awesomely weird!

  2. Jennipoola Avatar

    oh judes our wierdness is why we are friends..right on Judi and Dr. Suess (he is one smart kitty..now that im older all his books even make sense besides being just a fun Ryme)

    1. Yaaay! You commented! Makes my day :))))

      And yes, our weirdness is totes why we are friends, among many other awesome things! Dr. Seuss is magical … and yes, the older you get the more you realize how “deep” and TRUE his stuff is! Happy 4th! XO!

  3. dkuipo Avatar

    right on my gemini twin! as my dad used to say… theres only one you, celebrate it, dont be afraid of it. xoxo happy 4th!

    1. Hi my beautiful Gemini Twin!!! I see where you get it … I like your Dad and that advice, he is right on the money! And YOU my friend are one awesome chic … weird and all … hee-hee! Happy 4th!! Thanks for reading and for the comment!

  4. TStanek Avatar

    Judi – Love the Photo! Thank you for your weekly blog. It is a refreshing break from that 9 – 5 robot job.. lol

    1. TKS! And I thank YOU for reading! And FYI it’s not a “robot’ job if you love doing it! I love our industry! Happy 4th!

  5. This is why I love you! Because you are weird and I am weird and we had dorm rooms and side pony Fridays!

    1. Totally Rosie! Thanks for reading and for the comment! I loved our dorm rooms, flat tops, side ponies, taco salads and matching lunch bags. Those were the days! #weirdForever XO!

  6. Shawna Avatar

    I will never forget your “I’m from the streets” speech at Lafayette’s back in the day and I believed you….WEIRDO!!! 🙂 and that is why I am a WEIRDO for remembering! Love ya!!!!!!

    1. Hi Shawna-na-na-na-na! OMG … the “Johnnie” story. One of my all time favorites … see I was even making characters up and improvising back then … poetic! That is one fun memory and absolutely another reason why I am such a WEIRDO! XO!

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