What Everybody Ought To Know About Goals!


“It’s a terrible thing to see but to have no vision.” – Helen Keller

Are you familiar with the boomerang concept?  

What you put out there comes right back to you.  

So if your putting out hate, you’ll get hate.  

If you put out love, you’ll get love back.   

Good energy gets back more good energy … and so on and so on!

On the improv stage and in life I have MAD respect for my boomerang theory.

I know that if I show up in improv, and in life, with good energy … the universe will take care of me.  

I also believe there is a flip side to this idea and it is visualizing where you want to go. 

IMG_3213And let me tell you … I love me a good vision board. 

Trust me … it may sound kinda hokey or fluffy but I promise it works!

I am obsessed with my vision board …  check it out ——>>

It’s full of quotes that inspire me, happy memories, words that move me,  places I want to go, dreams, desires, motivation. 

And this board is constantly changing and growing as I change and grow.

The basic idea behind a vision board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have and where you want to go … then you start to watch your life change to match those images and desires. 

Just like we need to set goals, we need to tell the universe where we want to go and we need to visualize that happening. 

If you want to bring a vision board into your life here are 5 easy steps for getting started:


There you have it … 5 easy steps to rock your very own vision board!

Now, I wanna hear from you! 

Do you have a vision board or do anything similar?    If so, what’s your favorite thing about it?

Make sure you so “holla back” in the comments below!

Also, let’s work together!  I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to read customer testimonials and find out how to work with me.

If you dig this video … Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter so you get these vids (and more!) delivered right to your inbox!

 As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video with your buds!

HOLLA! Back, 





4 responses to “What Everybody Ought To Know About Goals!”

  1. Joyce Paschall Avatar
    Joyce Paschall

    First of all, Judi, I noticed that I didn’t get an email last week, so know that you’re missed when you’re gone!

    Second, Vision Board – this is freakishly timely! I have intended to do one probably a dozen times over the years. I even have the physical board – a couple of choices, actually. And a few days ago, I pulled the one I most want to use (which is cork because I, too, want to let my board evolve easily) out and put it in an annoyingly obvious place in the living room so I’d HAVE to do something with it, finally. So, VIOLA, I think the universe is speaking to me through you and telling me to Get Started With My Vision Board, Already! Later tonight I will tear off the plastic and put up my first piece of inspiration, whatever it turns out to be.

    Thanks for the nudge!

    1. Joyce! This is awesome and totally the universe calling out to you. I love when things are freakishly timely. No coincidence.

      I can’t wait to hear what you end up doing with your board … send me pic or post a pic of your first piece of inspiration. I’d love to share on the Facebook page to get other peeps inspired.

      And thank you for missing me last week. It really really bummed me out … but so glad to be back on track!

  2. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    Visualize it into reality…I have done this all my life and glad to see you do as well. Someone told me many years ago about dream building and it works like a champ. In order to hit a target you gotta have a target. Love ya boo. Keep up the great posts…xooxxo

    1. Hey Doug E Fresh!!! Thanks for another killer comment and of course you have a dream board! It makes total sense. Dream building, love that way of saying it. It’s so true … we have to visualize what we want and yes it works like a CHAMP!! Keep rocking. XO

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