When NOT to Take Action

When not to take action is the topic of today’s show. In this solo, Judi talks about a concept that she now knows and regularly puts into practice, and that would have saved her a lot of pain and trouble if she’d only known it earlier in her career. You see, one of the biggest misconceptions amongst entrepreneurs and leaders is the idea that problems are always a bad thing. When not to take action is a powerful concept to grasp because when problems pop up, we spiral into a reactionary state of panic and self-doubt and make quick, uncalculated decisions that bite us when the dust settles. Today Judi shares a better way to respond to problems. One that allows us to lean into them instead of lazily reacting from a place of fear and control.  

Today on Yes, And:

  • What to do when problems first pop up
  • When not to take action 
  • The difference between those who always have ideas and those who don’t
  • Diving into the stimulus -> awareness -> response formula

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions.

Top Quotes: 

  1. “The problem is that we think we shouldn’t have problems. But problems don’t break us; they make us. We either win, or we learn, but we do not lose.” 
  2. “Nine times out of ten, when we react in a way that isn’t the essence of who we are and is more aligned with our shadow side, it’s because we’re afraid of something.”
  3. “Action is powerful, but it’s most powerful when done enlightened.”