Why Curiosity Trumps Passion!

“I have no special talent … I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

Do you feel lost?

Are you sick of hearing a million people tell you to “find your passion” and it will all be better?

Do you feel like you are OVER hearing the passion anthem?

Do you wonder if you have a passion at all?

If you said yes to ANY of the Q’s above, this episode is for you. 

It’s so easy to get down on ourselves, wondering if we are on the right track … if we are making the right decisions.

It sucks feeling jealous of everyone who is “chasing their passion” … the whole time wondering if you even have one in the first place.


And so do a lot of other people. 

You are not alone … and guess what … if you don’t have a passion.  Awesome.  Amazing.  KICK A!

You are already on the right track!

This week I’m sharing a simple concept to give you even more encouragement and keep you moving in the direction of your soul, even if you feel like you don’t have a passion.

Watch this weeks episode of The Brandprov Show to find out more … click PAY below:


Now, I’d love to hear from you!

What’s something you are “curious” about right now in your life?

HOLLA back in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I work as an event emcee and keynote speaker … So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

Click HERE to contact me.
Follow the conversation on Instagram @judiholler or on my Facebook fan page


6 responses to “Why Curiosity Trumps Passion!”

  1. Doug Sandler Avatar
    Doug Sandler

    I have definitely spent my life following my passion and my passion have been living life to the fullest. I have never been a sit back and relax kinda guy or a coaster. I’m always curious about what’s around the corner. I have faced adversity and plenty of defeat and that’s why I keep on moving. Even when I haven’t been sure of where life is gonna take me, I’ve made sure I go on the journey excited and ready for anything. Xoxo

    1. Yo Doug!! Thanks for the great comment … that passion for life is what it takes. And this idea that when your lost … rather than freak out … to follow your curiosity instead is brilliant … it typically ends up being your passion of the moment anyway. Keep rocking your passion for life. It shows!

  2. Lisa Pereira Avatar
    Lisa Pereira

    Thank you!! I have always struggled answering the question ‘what is your passion’, and this really helped me rethink that struggle. LOVE Liz Gilbert (met her a few times too), so will need to look for a replay of that show. THANK YOU for posting this. #GameChanger

    1. Hi Lisa! Thank YOU for leaving the comment … and omg, can’t believe you met E Gilbert. So kick A! And to save you time, here’s the link … whoops, I should have included that: http://www.supersoul.tv/supersoul-sessions/elizabeth-gilbert-flight-hummingbird-curiosity

      1. Lisa Pereira Avatar
        Lisa Pereira

        Awesome, thanks! Liz has a store in Frenchtown, NJ (I lived in NJ up until a few years ago) – called Two Buttons. She and her hubby are there quite often. One time she actually took me back into the ’employees only’ area to look for something specific for me that was not on the floor. If you are ever in NJ or near Philly, head over there. She just bops around the store, going up to people, saying ‘Hi, I’m Liz.’ And Jose hands out glasses of wine and bags of popcorn. Lovely place, filled with things they buy on their travels. http://twobuttons.com/

    2. Love it!!!!! Thanks for the scoop!

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