you are allowed to change your mind with Kacia Fitzgerald episode 113

You Are Allowed To Change Your Mind with Kacia Fitzgerald

You are allowed to change your mind – it’s time to stop limiting yourself and time to start taking some action. And to help you do just that, we have Kacia Fitzgerald in the house! Speaker, advocate for female empowerment, and host of the EmpowerHER podcast, Kacia is a powerhouse, and today she joins Judi to bring the momentum you’ve been needing to finally start chasing those dreams of yours. They chat about the dreaded someday syndrome, what to do when you feel stuck in your life, and Kacia explains the meaning and power behind iterations in her life. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Harnessing the power of iteration in your life
  • Learn Judi and Kacia’s ultimate motivator
  • Learning how to redirect and refocus your energy into what matters
  • Why building confidence as your foundation is key
  • Utilizing micro goals as a productivity tool

Top 3 Quotes:

  1. It could be that your “going” isn’t a hustle, always on, always working. Your “going” could be giving yourself the grace in the season you’re in to support yourself at the pace you need. 
  2. I’ve had a lot of experience with the fragility of life. But it’s a reminder that you have today, and that is a freaking gift. So show up.
  3. The one thing all these success stories have in common is micro moments of daily courage. Do one thing to advocate for yourself every single day and watch what happens.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions