you can't micromanage the universe episode 112

You Can’t Micromanage The Universe

You can’t micromanage the universe!  Calling all micromanagers because today’s episode is for you. Judi is back with another solo to break down what so many of us struggle with: micromanaging. We all want things, but sometimes those wants can snowball into the ugly monster of control. But fear not, Judi is here with some practical and spiritual tips on how to let go, and shares how her need for control is rooted in childhood, and shares a personal story about how she had to let go in her own life and find beauty in the art of surrendering to the universe. 

Today on Yes, And:

  • Why we feel the need to micromanage and have control
  • The beauty of getting comfortable with the uncomfortable
  • Learning the art of surrender
  • The scoop behind Judi’s move to Arizona and the lessons she’s learning
  • Practical tips for letting go and find peace in trusting the universe

Top 2 Quotes:

  1. It’s really hard to be hopeful and a control freak. The sense of control and you not getting the things you want will literally assassinate the hope in your life.
  2. We micromanage the universe without even realizing we’re doing it. We want good things and we want the best to come to us, but what happens is we get so focused on the outcome that we lose sight of the right now.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions